Mobilizing Private Investment in Peru's Amazon
About Us
The USAID CATALYZE Peru activity uses a blended finance approach to facilitate new investments in the Peruvian Amazon region, leading to further job creation, sustainable licit market development, and inclusive growth. These efforts will strengthen the economy of the Peruvian Amazon, which currently suffers from a lower GDP per capita and a lower rate of public expenditure than the national average of Peru.
CATALYZE Peru (2020-2023) mobilizes private investment for entities of all types and sizes, from large-scale businesses and projects to small and medium-sized businesses operating in the supply chains that are the foundation of legitimate enterprises in the Amazon. CATALYZE Peru identifies and facilitates commercially viable investment opportunities and business models that generate value, provide financial return, and produce economic impact while protecting the Amazon.
View CATALYZE Peru video (English)
What We Do
CATALYZE Peru has three key objectives:
Our Partners
CATALYZE Peru engages Peru’s strong financial and private sectors, joined by international financial service providers and investors, to pilot new approaches to mobilize financing at scale. CATALYZE Peru assists and incentivizes:
PRIVATE COMPANIES from large corporations to local supply chain actors. CATALYZE Peru provides technical assistance for these companies to expand their ability to sustainably source products and structure financing for their supply chain in the Amazon.
FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES of all types and sizes. CATALYZE Peru develops and delivers technical assistance, training, risk mitigation, new product design, and other incentives so financial intermediaries can expand new structured financing and investments benefitting Amazon geographies, economic sectors, and populations profitably and sustainably.
PROJECT DEVELOPERS to provide catalytic, high-quality transaction and advisory services to companies, financial institutions, communities, farmers, and small enterprises, including public/private transactions. These services focus on expanded financing to enable businesses to achieve environmental sustainability and inclusive growth objectives.
CATALYZE attracts new partners through the combined financing activities. To learn more about current procurement processes, please visit Current Opportunities.
Where We Work
CATALYZE Peru focuses on the departments of Loreto, San Martín, Ucayali and Madre de Dios, and the provinces Bagua, Bongará, Condorcanqui, Rodríguez de Mendoza and Utcubamba (Amazonas), Ambo, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Pachitea and Puerto Inca (Huánuco), Oxapampa (Pasco), Chanchamayo and Satipo (Junín) La Convencion, and the districts of Yanatile and Lares in Calca and Machupicchu in Urubamba (Cusco).
Expected Results (2020- 2023)
- $106M of primarily private financing mobilized to strengthen the licit economy.
- Improved linkages between large-scale companies and smallholders that increase access to markets and finance.
- Lending increased and loan terms improved for SMEs and producers’ associations.
- Increased availability of information to enable financial institutions’ decision-making and increased access to finance in the Amazon.
More information about CATALYZE Peru can be found on the project’s fact sheet.