The Role of the DOAG and IL in Funding G2G Activities
Additional Help for ADS Chapter 220
New Edition Date: 01/13/2021
Responsible Office: PPL and M/CFO
File Name: 220sau_011321
Funds for G2G activities in the form of the agreement types above can be obligated directly to a partner country government using any bilateral assistance agreement pursuant to ADS 350, but it is most common for funds to initially be obligated bilaterally through a Development Objective Agreement (DOAG), and then confirmed and approved (“sub-obligated”) for specific activities to a partner government implementing entity via implementation letter (IL). In all cases, adequate technical and financial planning requirements must be fulfilled prior to obligation in a BAA as required by Section 611(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act (see ADS 201). Note that program assistance must be obligated directly into a Program Assistance Agreement (see ADS 350), and not obligated initially into a broader DOAG that includes project assistance.