South Sudan

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Country Overview

The partnership between the people of South Sudan and the people of the United States goes back decades. U.S. engagement in South Sudan began decades before the country’s independence and remains based on values including peace, human rights, democracy, and people’s right to a government that is responsive to their needs.

Some 50 years after USAID established its presence in what was at that time Sudan, the United States remains the leading international donor to the people of South Sudan.In the absence of government commitment, USAID strengthens community foundations for a healthier, educated, and more self-reliant South Sudan. We provide humanitarian aid, meet the basic health, education, and food security needs of communities, mitigate conflict and gender-based violence, help improve farmers’ skills so they earn a living, bring communities to reduce violence, and encourage the transitional government to commit public funding to meet public needs. We do this through our work in humanitarian assistance, democracy and governance, economic growth, education and youth, health, and HIV prevention and care.

U.S. Embassy in South Sudan

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