Elevating and Institutionalizing the Expertise of Foreign Service Nationals

Functional Series 400 – Human Resources

New Edition Date: 05/30/2024
Responsible Office: HCTM/OHCI and M/MS/OMD
File Name: 402_053024


This chapter describes the Agency’s internal guidance, policy directives, and required procedures to institutionalize and strengthen Foreign Service National (FSN) Empowerment throughout the Agency. All USAID Operating Units (OUs), including overseas Missions and Bureaus and Independent Offices (B/IOs), have a role in the implementation of this chapter. The FSN Advocacy Council (AC) and FSN Committees in Missions serve as key resources in the implementation of this chapter. This chapter recognizes the varying attributes that contribute to the unique environments of each Mission. As a result, the chapter contains guidance that is intended to enable Missions to customize management approaches to FSN empowerment efforts under the overall Agency plan.


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