Monday, October 2, 2023

Australia, Japan, and the United States are close partners with a shared commitment to work with Lower Mekong countries to support regional development.

Together, the Australian Embassy, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), were pleased to join the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) in a visit to Chiang Rai province on 18-19 September 2023. The delegation met with a diverse range of provincial government, academics, and local non-government organizations to learn more the complex and damaging impacts of transnational crime, including trafficking in persons.

 The visit reaffirmed our four agencies’ commitment to combating human trafficking.

  • TICA, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) and the Department of Skill Development, Ministry of Labour, organizes capacity building and skill development activities for workers along the border areas as well as training of trainers for Transit and Reception Center for Victim of Trafficking and Other Vulnerable Groups in Banteay Meanchey Province, Cambodia. All these trainings and capacity building activities are done at the International Institute for Skill Development in Chiang Rai province.
  • In 2022, Australia agreed to partner with Thailand to establish its Countering Trafficking in Persons Centre of Excellence. The Centre will support a national curriculum that will be victim-centered and gender-sensitive, and used to train a cadre of skilled government officials to prevent, detect, investigate, and prosecute crimes related to human trafficking.
  • JICA is conducting the third phase of Technical Cooperation with Department of Anti-Trafficking in Persons, MSDHS on anti-TIP and has held Mekong Regional Workshops to discuss common issues among Mekong Countries. In Chiang Rai, JICA has supported capacity building and a cross border networking in collaboration with provincial offices, NGOs, and other stakeholders.
  • The U.S. Mission to Thailand through USAID is supporting the training of local government and non-government organizations (NGOs) in Chiang Rai to enable them to more effectively prevent trafficking in persons and protect victims, also in collaboration with MSDHS. The U.S. Mission to Thailand is also supporting anti-trafficking training in other regions for NGOs and law enforcement officials.

These partnerships are supporting joint efforts to better respond to evolving trafficking trends, including through developing inclusive environments where vulnerable people receive equitable, appropriate, and protective support.

TICA, Australia, JICA, and USAID committed to ensure development partners coordinate our efforts, in line with Thailand’s objectives.

Group photo of delegates from USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia, JICA, TICA, and Australian Embassy.
Dr. Steven G. Olive, Mission Director, USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia, poses for a group photo with delegates from the Australian Embassy, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the Royal Thai Government. Included in the photo are Ms. Ureerat Charoentoh, Director-General, Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA); Ms. Pattarawadee Suthithanakul, Vice Governor of Chiang Rai; Ms. Julia Feeney, Deputy Head of Mission, Australian Embassy; and Mr. Kazuya Suzuki, Chief Representative, JICA.
Australian Embassy, Thailand
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