Profile picture of Saweda Liverpool-Tasie
Position Title
Michigan State University Foundation Professor

Michigan State University Foundation Professor, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan

Dr. Saweda Liverpool-Tasie is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics at Michigan State University. She has lived in East Lansing, Michigan for over 10 years. Her research focuses on emergent issues related to smallholder productivity and welfare within dynamic and transforming food systems in sub Saharan Africa and alongside poorly functioning markets in the region. She has extensive experience with program evaluation in Africa using various quantitative methods. She has designed, implemented, and analyzed data from field surveys across the continent and has looked at gendered access to land and other inputs. Dr. Liverpool-Tasie’s research work covers several countries on the continent including Nigeria, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Gambia, Niger, Malawi, and Zambia. She continues to lead efforts on designing and implementing capacity building projects in Africa. Currently, Dr. Liverpool-Tasie is the principal investigator of various research projects that strive to support policy processes with evidence, based on scientific research. She is active in several multidisciplinary teams focused on issues of food security, food safety, and value chain transformation in developing countries.

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