Profile picture of Henri G. Moore
Position Title
Former Vice President/Head of Responsible Business, Haleon

Former Vice President/Head of Responsible Business, Haleon

Philadelphia, PA

Henri Moore is Former Vice President and Head of Responsible Business at Haleon. Moore was responsible for the design, implementation, administration and communication of the new Consumer Health Company’s mission of delivering better everyday health with humanity to key stakeholders and communities in which they operate around the globe. Moore and her team also designed, led, executed and articulated a cohesive internal and external engagement and communication’s strategy, setting objectives consistent with Haleon values to create their ESG/CSR program. Moore brings more than 30 years of experience in marketing, public relations, philanthropy, community outreach and sponsorships. She previously served as Head of Global Responsibility and President, Corteva Foundation.  She has a proven track record of achieving exceptional results through partnership and collaboration at DowDuPont, RBS/Citizens Bank, Comcast, HBO, and Xerox.

Moore is active in community service that helps youth and young adults realize their potential. She serves on the Board of the Rodel Foundation, Delaware Business Roundtable Education Committee, Food Bank of Delaware as well as the Greater Philadelphia Film Office and the Satell Institute. Moore is also an active member of the Forum of Executive Women and the Executive Leadership Council

Moore received her Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Wittenberg University with a major in Marketing and a minor in Economics. She completed executive leadership programs at the Yale School of Management, Babson College Executive Development Center and UCLA Anderson School of Management. A resident of Philadelphia, Moore and her husband Tony are parents of two daughters and a son. 

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