Kathy Spahn
Position Title
President Emerita

President Emerita, Helen Keller International
New York, New York

Kathy Spahn served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Helen Keller Intl for 19 years, before stepping down in January 2024. Helen Keller is a $100 million global health organization that partners with communities in more than 20 countries to deliver the essential building blocks of good health, sound nutrition, and clear vision, helping millions to reach their true potential. 

Prior to Joining Helen Keller in 2005, Spahn was President and Executive Director of Orbis, an international non-profit organizations dedicated to the prevention and treatment of blindness, and was Executive Director of God's Love We Deliver, dedicated to combating malnutrition and hunger among people living with HIV/AIDS.

Spahn currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Access to Nutrition Initiative and previously served on the boards of InterAction, the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, and the Bernadotte Foundation for Children’s Eyecare. She was a co-founder and co-chair of the Nutrition CEO Council, a founding board member of the Association of Nutrition Services Agencies and a founding partner of the former Global Network for Neglected Tropical Disease Control. Spahn is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


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