A public meeting of the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD), The Global Food Security Crisis: Exploring the Evidence Base and Lessons from the Past to Strengthen Agricultural, Nutrition, and Food Systems in the Face of Shocks, was held on May 23, 2022 from 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET. A public comment period took place. The meeting was livestreamed via Zoom. 

This was the first public meeting of BIFAD members appointed by President Joseph Biden on January 14, 2022, which included an introduction to newly appointed BIFAD members, a briefing on BIFAD’s current work plan priorities, and an overview of key upcoming initiatives. BIFAD announced new work relating to systemic solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture, nutrition, and food systems to inform the implementation of USAID’s recently released Climate Change Strategy 2022-2030

In the face of short- and long-term shocks, fragile food systems are driving increases in poverty, hunger, and child stunting. The global effort to end hunger and poverty is at a critical moment, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine adding to an already-compounded global food crisis as countries struggle to recover from the impacts of COVID-19, humanitarian emergencies and climate change.

BIFAD convened the meeting to hear from food systems, nutrition, and humanitarian assistance experts to draw lessons learned about resilience from previous crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2007–2008 global food price crisis, to get ahead of future crises and build resilient systems. 

On the basis of testimony, including public comments, shared at the meeting, BIFAD will provide formal findings, conclusions, and recommendations to the Agency on operational and programmatic investments for strengthening agricultural, nutrition, and food systems against future shocks.