
Mission Director Courtney Chubb with Mayors of Bihac and Zepce

USAID showcases E-Construction Permits System in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 11 – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) kicked-off new partnerships with the City of Bihać and Municipality Žepče to pilot a e-Construction Permits System developed by the U.S. government’s USAID e-Governance Activity. This system, which has also been adopted by Sarajevo Centar and Tešanj municipalities, will improve efficiency and transparency of construction permitting by taking the entire process, from submission to approval, online.

In addition to developing the new system, USAID is also working with government partners and lawmakers at all levels to modernize related legislation. Courtney Chubb, USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina Mission Director urged Federation of BiH lawmakers to adopt the new Law on Spatial Planning and Land Use in the Federation, which is required in order for Federation municipalities to begin using the new system.


Mission Director Courtney Chubb

The new law was already approved during its first reading in October 2023. It is now ready to be  added to the Federation Parliament’s agenda for final approval. My message to lawmakers is this: the sooner you pass this law, the sooner your constituents – the citizens and businesses you represent – will reap the myriad benefits of faster, more efficient and transparent permitting,” stated Mission Director Courtney Chubb.

Mission Director Chubb also commended Zenica-Doboj and Una-Sana Cantons for passing necessary Cantonal laws that will enable Bihać, Tešanj, and Žepče put the system into practice, and urged Sarajevo Canton to do so as soon as possible. The introduction of the digital system for electronically issuing and obtaining construction permits is revolutionizing the public sector in BiH. Currently, the process involves intricate legal procedures, demanding extensive documentation and numerous approvals from different institutions, which takes significant time and is a burden for both applicants and government institutions involved in the process. USAID's e-Construction Permits System will allow permit applicants to electronically submit requests, upload necessary documents, and digitally sign them using e-signatures, while enabling government institutions to issue the permits directly through the system. This is a win-win-win for citizens, businesses, and government institutions that improves efficiency, transparency in government services and will lead to more construction projects, creating more jobs and economic growth.

One of the first things we noticed during initial meetings with USAID and other local authorities is that the City of Bihać receives the highest number of requests for construction permits compared to other local administrations. We often get up to five requests a day, which adds up to a significant number each month. Unfortunately, we are not able to respond to all requests efficiently as the process involves not only the city administration but also all public and utility companies, road construction and maintenance companies, and public institutions. We are confident that this electronic procedure will speed up communication between the relevant institutions and bodies, ultimately reducing wait times," emphasized the Mayor of Bihać, Mr. Elvedin Sedić.

Mayor of Bihac, Mr. Elvedin Sedic

The system also improves the efficiency of permitting processes for government institutions by increasing transparency, clearly defining roles and responsibilities with set deadlines, and allowing real-time monitoring of application progress. It also allows other public and utility companies to provide necessary approvals directly through the system, so applicants will no longer need to track down approvals from multiple entities in person.

Mission Director Courtney Chubb with Mayor of Municipality Zepce Mr. Mato Zovko

Mayor of Municipality Žepče Mr. Mato Zovko said: “The Municipality of Žepče has had a long and successful collaboration with international organizations through many projects aimed at improving existing services and creating more efficient ones for our citizens. That is why we gladly accepted USAID’s invitation to adopt the e-construction permits system, recognizing that this initiative will streamline and simplify the process, saving time and money for our citizens and businesses. It is important for other institutions to join in and help make the entire process faster and simpler.

The U.S. government, through USAID, is a committed partner to Bosnia and Herzegovina as it joins the region in the digital transformation and advances transparent, accountable, and efficient governance. USAID will continue to work alongside citizens, local partners, and other international donors to drive prosperity and advance Bosnia and Herzegovina on its Euro-Atlantic path.


Mission Director Courtney Chubb signs the MoU with Mayors of Bihac and Zepce
Mission Director Courtney Chubb shaking hands


The U.S. Agency for International Development is leading the U.S. Government's efforts to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies. To date, the U.S. Government, primarily through USAID, has provided $2 billion in assistance to support economic, democratic and social progress in BiH.

For more information on USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, please visit:

Bosnia and Herzegovina Economic Development and Trade Digital Development