For Immediate Release

Press Release

Today, the report on the Climate Change Summit 2022 was released highlighting the high level discussions that took place in Siem Reap this past October.

Cambodia Climate Change Summit 2022 (CCCS22), Cambodia’s first carbon-neutral conference, saw a congregation of climate change professionals from across the Kingdom. The final event report, released today by the organizers, provides details on event sessions, financial information, and the results from a post-event participant survey. The Summit was held over two days and included appearances by top officials involved in climate change issues, including H.E. Say Samal, the Minister of Environment, U.S. Ambassador W. Patrick Murphy, Australian Ambassador Pablo Kang, and British Ambassador Dominic Williams.

CCCS22 was sponsored by USAID, Forte Insurance, Smart-Axiata, and Oxfam and hosted by the Ministry of Environment and the Mekong Future Initiative (MFI), a Singapore think-tank with a strong Cambodia presence. Founded by businessman-philanthropist Neak Oknha Sear Rithy, MFI is best known for focusing on issues related to the future economy, youth, and employment in the Mekong region. CCCS22 was the second iteration of this summit, the first taking place in 2021.

According to the report, over 97 percent of participants responded that they would come again with 80 percent responding that the Summit should take place every year. This is a strong demand signal for an issue with such increasing global importance. As Cambodia is considered one of the nations most vulnerable to climate change, this type of initiative is surely welcome.

The report in question can be accessed at

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