
Climate change is a threat that sees no borders and can harm us all. Around the world, temperatures and sea levels are rising. From more intense forest fires in California to more prolonged droughts in the Horn of Africa to recurring typhoons in Southeast Asia—much of the world is already experiencing the negative impacts of a changing climate.

Addressing the climate crisis must be a collective effort. The United States is committed to renewing our strong alliance in the effort to deal with the climate crisis and cooperating with our global partners to strengthen our climate ambition.

Climate change is not just an existential threat, it is currently threatening development progress and exacerbating global inequities; increasing water and food scarcity, the need for humanitarian assistance, and displacement; and contributing to conflict.

We can  no longer delay or do the bare minimum to address climate change. This is a global, existential crisis, and we'll all suffer the consequences if we fail." 

- President Joe Biden

USAID plays a vital role in mitigating climate change and addressing its impacts by partnering with more than 45 countries to implement ambitious emissions reduction measures, protect critical ecosystems, transition to renewable energy, build resilience against the impacts of climate change, and promote the flow of capital toward climate-positive investments. We are also integrating climate considerations across USAID’s portfolio to protect development progress.

We have a narrow moment to pursue action in order to protect our environment and to seize the opportunity that tackling climate change presents. Together we can make a difference for a healthier and more prosperous planet.

Key Issues



Supporting the transition to renewable energy and improving energy efficiency to reduce emissions and improve energy access.



Reducing emissions by combating deforestation and improving conservation and management of carbon-rich forests and landscapes.



Helping communities and countries better prepare for, respond to, and recover from climate-related disasters.



Strengthening global food and nutrition security by advancing climate-smart agriculture and increased resilience to droughts, rising temperatures, and changing rainfall patterns.



Helping people and economies deliver climate-resilient drinking water and sanitation, and manage water resources to cope with growing scarcity. And protecting our oceans by limiting climate impacts and addressing other critical threats, like ocean plastic pollution.



Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants which in turn improves public health, reduces poverty and inequality, and lessens climate change impacts.


Hope flows with water

When Hope Flows With Water

Small-scale utilities in the Philippines bring clean water to local communities not connected to city water service providers. USAID is helping these communities identify water production challenges and integrate climate and disaster resilience into water safety planning.

Harvesting the bounty of the sea

Harvesting the Bounty of the Sea

In the village of Babuyan, on the Philippine island of Palawan, fisherfolk are venturing into seaweed farming for a sustainable future. Seaweed is an effective natural way to absorb carbon emissions, and unlike trees, it does not compete with land needed for food production.

How 5 Young African Leaders Are Addressing Climate Change

How 5 Young African Leaders Are Addressing Climate Change

USAID supports YALI alumni as they tackle the world’s most pressing issues

A flavorful partnership

A Flavorful Partnership

With support from USAID and McCormick, Malagasy vanilla farmers form cooperatives and harvest new opportunities

News and Information


The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced multiple initiatives to combat the climate crisis at COP26. At the World Leaders’ Summit, President Biden announced three key initiatives which USAID will play a significant role in implementing. While at COP26, Administrator Samantha Power announced a suite of additional USAID initiatives, targets, and partnerships to support these Presidential initiatives and other Agency climate priorities.

USAID Announces Target to Mobilize $150 Billion in Climate Finance

On November 8, USAID announced an ambitious target to mobilize $150 billion in public and private climate finance by 2030. USAID will catalyze the majority of this funding from private sector investments—as well as from public sector investments from partner country governments—through targeted programs and partnerships. USAID aims to catalyze 10 dollars of private sector financing for every one dollar of USAID public funding invested.

Administrator Samantha Power at COP26 Event “Adapting to Thrive: U.S. Action on Global Climate”

President Biden and USAID are taking essential steps to put resources in the hands of people hit hardest by the climate crisis. But while the U.S. is stepping up to the plate to meet its adaptation obligations, we need an entire team of bilateral and multilateral partners by our side. We need other donor governments to meet their commitments to adaptation in the way that many have prioritized mitigation.