

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) (COLOMBIA)

For over 50 years, USAID has supported and complemented the efforts of the people, civil society, the private sector, and the government of Colombia to promote social and economic development in the country, address the challenges of protracted violence, and facilitate the establishment of civil government institutions in previously isolated and underserved regions.

We work with Colombia on the following lines of action:

Development and Economic Prosperity

We promote licit economies, particularly in agriculture, by enhancing productivity, expanding market access, and providing financial solutions to local producers.

Inclusive Governance 

We improve the living conditions of marginalized populations by promoting their inclusion, diversity, and participation in government institutions.

Human Rights, Justice, and Peace

We work with civil society and the Colombian government to promote human rights, facilitate access to justice and social services in conflict-affected areas, and advocate for transparency toward a peaceful future.

Environmental Protection

We work to address the natural threats of climate change, protect Colombia’s ecosystems and biodiversity, and promote climate adaptation and sustainable environmental conservation.

Humanitarian Assistance

We engage in prevention, early response and recovery efforts in disasters, assistance to conflict victims, and support for migrant populations with health care, water supply, food aid, protection, and shelter.

Migration Response and Integration

We work with the national, municipal, and departmental governments to address the social, political, and economic challenges of mass migration from Venezuela. This involves enhancing border and migration management capacities and strengthening institutional capacity to provide migrant populations with access to social and justice services, all while working to reduce xenophobia.

$1.18 billion

Our portfolio currently comprises 46 projects with a total value exceeding $1.18 billion, spanning more than four years and covering a significant portion of the country’s territory. These projects allow us to work towards several initiatives, including:

Climate change response

Humanitarian assistance

Transparency in state and territorial governance

Reconciliation towards peace

Development and legality in rural economies 

Fair and secure land tenure

Ethnic inclusion and representation

Protection of human rights

Successful governance

Rural access to basic services and goods

Migration response and integration*

Colombia has received over 2.8 million migrants and more than 500,000 returning Colombians since 2017. Migrant integration is a priority for USAID.

Some of our goals include:

Formalizing 1,600 schools

Delivering 22,000 land titles

Facilitating the integration of nearly 1 million migrants lacking regular status

Reaching over 50,000 agreements using alternative conflict resolution mechanisms

Create and strengthen local justice committees in more than 70 municipalities

Improving management in 450,000 hectares of ecologically significant land

Facilitating access to physical rehabilitation services for over 8,000 conflict survivors

Assisting over 40 local hospitals in implementing the Model of Psychosocial Spaces and Physical Rehabilitation

Lifting 30,000 households out of poverty

Formalizing 13,000 hectares to promote the substitution of illicit crops

Leveraging over $50 million in private sector resources

For a more stable, prosperous, and peaceful Colombia.



Colombia General Fact Sheets