

Safe Steps promotes Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) through new information and communication technologies (ICT). This initiative is implemented through a public-private partnership between USAID, Fundación Barco, Discovery, and Computadores para Educar. Joined together, the resources of these organizations approximate US$ 5.8 million, of which US$ 1.7 million is a direct contribution from USAID and US$ 4.1 million comes from the private sector. Safe Steps was implemented in more than 44 municipalities affected by Explosive Ordnance contamination and will run from January 2019 to January 2024.

Different alliances and partnerships (Oficina del Alto Comisionado para la Paz (OACP), MSI and UNMAS) have allowed Safe Steps to reached more than 100 municipalities in the departments of Antioquia, Caquetá, Arauca, Cauca, Bolívar, Chocó, Boyacá, Guaviare, La guajira, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Valle del Cauca, Meta and Guaviare.

The public-private partnership currently has an extension until 2025 where it expects to reach 10 more municipalities!



Safe Steps raises awareness about Explosive Ordnance Risk (EOR) in Colombia, including the characteristics of these artefacts and risk zones. It particularly focuses on educating youth.


Safe Steps encourages local authorities to identify Explosive Ordnance Risks (EOR) in their communities and to address those risks through coordinated actions.


Safe Steps strengthens community, educational establishments, and local authorities’ capacities so different communities can understand the danger associated with Explosive Ordnance (EO) and respond appropriately to them or possible accidents.


  • From 2019 to date, Safe Steps has reached over 44,426,238 views with its audiovisual products which can be found at

  • Through radio capsules, Safe Steps has managed to reach 106 municipalities with a potential of 6,437864 listeners and 19,951 people directly with a Landing strategy (SMS / prerecorded calls).

  • From 2019 to 2023, Safe Steps has carried out training and education processes for teachers, leaders, local authorities, women, youth, children, and communities, reaching more than 36,340 participants, in its approaches of Explosive Ordnance Risks (EOR), namely, emergency and educational environments.

  • The Acción Integral contra Minas Antipersonal (AICMA) has been prioritized by local authorities in 17 of the 44 municipalities proposed and has supported the construction of 88 contingency plans in educational establishments that were highly affected by explosive devices.

Contact Information
Gabriel Umaña
