

The Sustainable Economic Transformation (SET) Activity will work to foster equitable and environmentally sustainable growth and peace implementation in 30 municipalities in six departments (Cauca, Nariño, Putumayo, La Guajira, Meta, and Guaviare). This Activity will improve the competitiveness and diversification of rural economies, while promoting climate-change adaptation and resilience. It will leverage natural, cultural, and productive sectors in the targeted geography to boost rural economic opportunities and will promote the use of climate information to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of these local businesses and value chains, both agricultural and non-agricultural. SET will mobilize public and private sector investment to develop climate resilient public and productive infrastructure to nurture the enabling environment needed for these economic activities in rural areas to thrive. Further, the Activity, which started in January 2024 and will work until January 2029, will promote open dialogues between the Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), private sector actors, and local and national governments, and will create links to municipal, departmental, and national markets.


Increased rural business growth and diversification.

SET will improve business performance in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, leverage private sector investment to scale impact and increase access to finance for rural businesses.

Enhanced environment for rural economic competitiveness

SET will support the use of climate data in local, more inclusive planning, executing infrastructure projects that build business and communities’ resilience to climate change and other potential economic shocks, and facilitating proper management of those projects through shared ownership and increased capacity and resources to effectively manage them in the long term. 

Evidence-based public policy development.

A crosscutting element to SET is enhanced evidence for systems and policy change. SET will strengthen sustainable mechanisms for inclusive dialogue to provide inputs for structural and systemic changes to sustainably enable the economic dynamics. SET will also strengthen networks of community organizations and advocacy groups and will collaborate with the media.


  • 300 businesses in the target geography with improved performance, resilient to climate change and other economic shocks and using formal financial services.
  • 700 local community organization's representatives actively participate in and influence local and regional peace implementation and development mechanisms like the municipal and departmental committees on peace, productivity, food, and nutrition.
  • 46 million dollars of private-public funds leveraged for advancing local development initiatives prioritized by communities.
  • 30 municipalities with social and productive infrastructure activities completed after actively using community participation mechanisms.
  • 150 public-private partnerships established.
  • Diversified rural economies with inclusive business models.
  • $57 million of private-public funds leveraged.
  • Municipal actors with increased capacity to adapt to climate change and implement and maintain climate resilient infrastructure.
  • Community organizations with secured resources to lead peace building activities.