Billions of people have unmet justice needs affecting their ability to navigate their daily lives, with marginalized populations disproportionately affected. Unmet justice needs may include dispute resolutions, property rights, legal aid, victims’ services, access to government services, and administrative legal issues. Lack of trust in the justice system can deter individuals from seeking resolution; therefore, USAID supported a range of activities, including legal aid and law clinics, to improve confidence in the both formal and informal justice systems.
In Bangladesh, USAID supported the National Legal Aid Services Organization (NLASO) in professionalizing legal aid by developing rules and regulations and training legal aid officers. In Guatemala, MAINA established services at prosecution offices to provide youth and victims of violence with access to the justice system. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, USAID successfully tailored training for paralegals and community justice advocates to conduct legal interventions and mediations and refer cases to pro bono attorneys or remote courts or tribunals.
Full report can be found at: Rule of Law Achievements Review