For Immediate Release

Press Release

WASHINGTON D.C. – The U.S. Government (USG), through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), announced a new partnership with a private sector firm, Welldone Logistics (Welldone), operating in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), as part of the USAID Market Systems and Partnerships (MSP) Activity. This is included in a suite of partnerships that are focused on increasing and improving linkages between private firms and smallholder farmers to facilitate a more competitive agricultural sector in the DRC.

To promote increased domestic production, and reduce reliance on expensive imported food, this partnership will establish a maize flour processing facility at Virunga Industrial Park in Munigi and improve supply chain coordination amongst smallholder farmers in North Kivu.

Welldone will engage smallholder farmers via agricultural product cooperatives and farm managers, and provide logistics support to help move crops from the area of production to further processing, storage, market or retail. This investment will vertically integrate processing, increase production capacity, and allow the company to source locally grown maize from DRC farmers in the surrounding areas. With increased production capacity for maize flour, Welldone aims to then supply the increasing demand in the DRC domestic market with a more economical, locally-produced flour option, saving consumers an anticipated 25 percent of the purchase price.

Through this partnership with USAID, it is anticipated that the domestic production and availability of maize flour will increase significantly thanks to enhanced linkages between processing companies and farmers in North Kivu. Further, USAID expects that this will result in reduced imports, stronger local supply chain coordination, and increased food security for the Congolese people.


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the world's premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID works to help lift lives, build communities, and advance democracy. USAID's work demonstrates American generosity and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience. President John. F. Kennedy created the United States Agency for International Development by executive order in 1961 to lead the U.S. government’s international development and humanitarian efforts.

About the USAID Market Systems and Partnerships (MSP) Activity

The partnership between USAID and Welldone Logistics is implemented through the Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships (MSP) Activity, as part of USAID’s Market Access Partnership Facility. The USAID MSP Facility works with private sector partners to pilot innovative solutions that can help businesses overcome bottlenecks currently inhibiting agricultural-led growth, and to strengthen the supply chain for products that need sourcing. It increases the number and quality of business connections between micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, producers, and agribusinesses such as traders, aggregators, transporters, and sellers. The purpose is to reduce poverty and strengthen the DRC's economic competitiveness and inclusiveness.

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