There will be four Technical Guidance Notes, one dedicated to each of the Digital Health Vision’s strategic priorities. Each Technical Guidance Note follows the same structure:

  • An introduction to the topic that outlines why USAID investments are important in this area.
  • Recommended actions that explore promising approaches USAID staff should consider. The recommendations are divided into categories aligned with the following components of the USAID Program Cycle:
    1. Country and regional strategic planning;
    2. Design and implementation of projects and activities;
    3. Monitoring and evaluation; and
    4. Collaboration, learning, and adapting.
  • Personas that depict how fictitious USAID staff might incorporate recommendations into their work. These personas are intended to be illustrative and have been created for use in the Technical Guidance Notes.
  • A recommended actions checklist that highlights key takeaways to help implement the Digital Health Vision throughout the USAID Program Cycle.

In addition, a resource library to support USAID staff in learning more about digital health and promising approaches is forthcoming.

CII Digital Health