The goal of the Dominican Republic 2020-2025 Country Development Cooperative Strategy is to promote a more secure and inclusively prosperous Dominican Republic that advances local and transboundary resilience. As one of the United States’ closest neighbors, prosperity and security in the Dominican Republic directly impact the United States. Reflecting close economic, diplomatic, and social ties, the USAID/Dominican Republic cooperation strategy advances the United States' strategic priorities and secures the foundation for the Dominican Republic to lead its own development. This strategy focuses on improving wellbeing for the most vulnerable, building local and national capacities that drive commitment for responsive governance, and continues to support and further expands national security initiatives.

Responding to recent global and domestic events in the Dominican Republic, USAID updated its strategy following a midcourse review to advance a future where: 

  • Dominican youth develop productive and valued skills; 
  • Vulnerable communities in the Dominican Republic take part in shared growth;
  • Local efforts achieve HIV epidemic control;
  • Local, provincial, and central governments and communities build capacity for climate change adaptation and resilience;
  • Crime and security becomes a secondary concern for Dominicans; and 
  • Public trust in Dominican Government institutions rises. 

In addition, USAID will continue to address victim-centered approaches in the justice sector, and promote inclusive access to livelihood, psychosocial, health, and other basic services for vulnerable populations, in order to reduce the incidence of trafficking and gender-based violence in the Dominican Republic. 

To achieve development outcomes, USAID/Dominican Republic will deepen partnerships with Dominican Government entities to harmonize local-to-national linkages to strengthen decentralized service networks and better elevate the needs of vulnerable communities. Local organizations -- government, private sector, media, civil society, community, and faith-based organizations -- will play a pivotal role achieving the strategy’s goal and objectives, and USAID will build the capacities of local organizations to effectively engage in locally led and locally-owned development. USAID will also capitalize on opportunities to integrate the private sector as development stakeholders, partnering to identify challenges and create, fund, and implement market-based and sustainable solutions. 

This strategy is designed to align with and support U.S. Government priorities outlined in the National Security Strategy; the Joint Strategic Plan; the Joint Regional Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean; and the Dominican Republic Integrated Country Strategy. New Washington-based initiatives, such as the United States-Caribbean Partnership to Address the Climate Crisis (PACC 2030); Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity; the Presidential Initiative for Democratic Renewal; and USAID’s Democracy Delivers initiative, were designed in part to ensure the United States remains the region’s key economic partner and democratic ally.