

USAID works with Salvadoran government institutions, municipalities, and the private sector to facilitate job creation and job placement, and address key barriers to trade, investment, and access to capital to mobilize Salvadoran and international private sector investment in key sectors driving employment. Education and job training programs provide youth the education level and skills required by the labor market. USAID is helping Salvadoran small businesses to grow and create new jobs, so that people can find dependable, good-paying work at home.

Through the H-2 visa program, USAID increases legal pathways for temporary employment in the US. USAID supports small businesses to grow and increases their access to finance through USG-backed local bank loans. USAID’s regional trade program increases regional integration, reducing the time and cost to trade and increasing exports.

Job training programs align workforce skills with productive sector needs. These activities provide a career path and job placement. Support for quality education at the primary and secondary level, and alternative education programs, improve school retention and prepare youth for future employment.


  • Stimulate $5 billion in new investment
  • Create 100,000 jobs
  • Train and place 10,000 vulnerable people in better jobs
  • Increase exports by at least $175 million
  • Stop 40,000 students from dropping out of school


Economic Competitiveness Project ($47.8 million) Strengthens micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the industrial and service sectors. Increases legal pathways for temporary employment in the US through the H-2 visa program.

Sustainable Market Access Project ($12.5 million USAID, $27 million Acceso) Improves livelihoods for rural areas through commercialization of products from smallholders.

INVEST ($6.1 million) INVEST partners with the private sector to increase investment in priority sectors that drive economic growth and increase employment.

Access to Credit Increases credit availability for MSMEs through over $200 million in USG-backed loan guarantees in partnership with local banks including, Banco de America Central, Banco Davivienda, Banco Promerica, and Banco Azul.

Education and Coexistence for Schools and Communities Free of Violence ($20 million) Assists public schools to keep students in school by working with teachers and families.

High Impact Soyapango ($2 million USAID; $2 million private sector) Increases economic opportunities and social development in the municipality of Soyapango.

Opportunities Education Alliance ($14.2 million; $7.1 million USAID, $7.1 million Gloria de Kriete Foundation) Provides youth aged 14 to 24 academic reinforcement, higher education preparation and internships and coaching programs.

Scholarships for Educational Opportunities ($20 million) Provides 6,450 scholarships for youth and returned migrants for technical and vocational education and to complete high school

Skills for Employment ($28.4 million) Provides technical and vocational training and social skills that match workforce needs.

Educational Innovation Project ($25 million) Improves fundamental skills and psychosocial well being for basic education learners.

Learn to Shine ($30 million) Improves academic performance and the transition to high school.

Digital Talent ($5 million USAID, $5 million Fundación Sagrera Palomo) Provides training for youth for jobs in the digital industry.

Together Towards Tomorrow ($125,000 USAID, $157,507 Cafetalera del Pacifico) Support for rural schools in coffee plantation communities.

Regional Trade Facilitation and Border Management ($17.5 million) Reduces the time and cost to trade in the region.

Upper Lempa Watershed Project ($12 millions) Protects the water supply for nine municipalities in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras through better watershed management.

Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project ($13.4 million) Improves livelihoods through improved biodiversity conservation.

SERVIR Central America ($11.9 million) Improves use of data to address local challenges in food security, water resources, weather and climate, land use, and natural disasters.