Increased availability of consumer financing for clean energy products and services has positive economic and social impacts. This infographic documents the work of an innovative partnership to expand access to solar products and business opportunities in Haiti.

With support from FOMIN/IDB and USAID, Arc Finance is working with money transfer organization Sogexpress to:

  1. Allow Haitians in the diaspora to provide solar products to their families in Haiti via
  2. Expand access to solar products in Haiti through the Sogexpress network of flagship stores and agents
  3. Give Sogexpress agents new business opportunities through a consignment program

Expanding clean energy access

  • 6,600 customers have bought clean energy products
  • 87 percent of solar products sold offer lighting and mobile charging
  • 483,000 household members have benefitted
  • Solar Products:
    • Simple Lantern (13 percent)
    • Lantern with Mobile Charging (77 percent)
    • Mini Solar Home System (10 percent)

Creating jobs in solar energy

  • 136 staff have been hired by Sogexpress solely for its solar program
  • 972 consignment agents have been recruited and have increased their incomes by adding solar devices to their product lines
  • 30 percent of consignment agents are women
  • 36 percent average annual sales growth reported by street agents
  • 38 percent of agents reported 10 perent or more annual sales growth

Developing the clean energy sector in Haiti

  • 153 Sogexpress staff have been trained on solar products
  • 12 trainings have been conducted on the benefits and features of solar products, and on the importance of after-sales service
  • 13,773 tons of greenhouse gas emissions have been displaced as a result of the project
  • 59 percent of staff trained are women
  • The equivalent of 181 kilowatts has been installed
  • 47 percent of energy costs have been saved on average per household each month by switching to clean energy

Raising awareness about solar energy among Haitians at home and abroad

  • Over 10 million people reached through TV and radio
  • 1.5 million people reached through street marketing
  • Over 130,000 people reached through SMS campaigns
  • Nearly 200,000 people reached through social media
  • Over 6 million people reached in Haiti through awareness-building campaigns
  • Over 6 million people reached in the diaspora through awareness-building campaigns

To learn more about this program, see