This change management primer provides USAID partners with an introduction to the change management fundamentals, concepts, processes, and terms needed to advance workplace gender equality.


USAID’s Engendering Industries program increases economic opportunities for women in traditionally male-dominated sectors. Expanding women’s workforce participation in male-dominated industries leads to tangible economic outcomes for women, such as formal employment opportunities and higher income. Increased gender equality in the workforce also improves business performance by increasing employee retention and satisfaction, reducing turnover, driving productivity, and enhancing an organization’s resilience to crises and economic shocks. USAID’s Engendering Industries program works with 98 organizations across 38 countries to improve gender equality in male-dominated sectors. In addition, Engendering Industries supports companies in designing and implementing survivor-centered approaches to preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment and other forms of GBV. Learn more about Engendering Industries here.