Women's Leadership Development: The Return on Investment at Tata Power-DDL

With support from USAID’s Engendering Industries program, Tata Power-DDL implements women’s leadership and development initiatives that improve company culture and performance.

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL) is the largest integrated power company in India, serving over seven million people in North and Northwest Delhi. Only 15 percent of the company’s 3500 employees are women, and the utility realized they had an important role to play in increasing gender equality in India; a country with one of the lowest female workforce participation rates globally.

In 2019 Tata Power-DDL began working with USAID’s Engendering Industries program to increase gender equality across the company. By employing more women in non-traditional roles, Tata Power-DDL has increased gender equality and improved utility performance. Engendering Industries sat down with Bharat Chhabra, Tata Power’s Head of HR-Talent Development, to learn about the utility’s gender equality initiatives, their impact on women and men at the company, and the ways gender equality is strengthening their business.