22 CFR 216 (“Reg. 216”) is the U.S. federal regulation defining USAID’s pre-implementation environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. The output of this process is Reg. 216 documentation—principally, Requests for Categorical Exclusions (RCEs), Initial Environmental Examinations (IEEs), and Environmental Assessments (EAs).

ADS 204 (and other ADS chapters) specifies mandatory procedures to implement the regulation.

All EAs and most IEEs establish mandatory environmental “conditions” [mitigation actions] that must be fulfilled during project or activity implementation to protect the environment and human health and welfare.

This page provides access to resources explaining the Regulation and supporting the process of developing Reg. 216 documentation:

See the Principles of EIA page for an overview of and resources on the general EIA process.

Environmental Compliance Procedures
Environmental Compliance Procedures
Environmental Procedures