USAID is a leader in using learning agendas to drive evidence-based decision making,  developing its first Agency-wide learning agenda prior to the passing of the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act of 2018. The Fiscal Year 2022 - 2026 USAID Agency Learning Agenda was published in May 2022 as part of the Department of State and USAID Joint Strategic Plan. The Agency Learning Agenda includes a set of nine questions, which cut across USAID’s policy priorities and respond to critical Agency evidence needs.

The USAID Bureau for Planning, Learning and Resource Management manages implementation of the Agency Learning Agenda, facilitating better sharing of evidence across regional and sectoral siloes; improving accessibility and awareness of available evidence on Agency learning priorities; strengthening Agency workforce capacity to produce, store, and use quality evidence; and providing thought leadership on the most critical evidence gaps for the Agency. Annually, USAID hosts Agency Learning and Evidence Month to celebrate and share evidence and learning with global development organizations and actors, partners, and leading academics from around the globe

2022-2026 USAID Agency Learning Agenda Questions
1. OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS | How can USAID better streamline systems, processes and resources to meet long-term needs identified by Missions, while enabling the flexibility to respond quickly to unexpected shifts in context?
2. RESILIENCE TO SHOCKS | How can USAID strengthen household, community, and country resilience to climate, conflict, economic, and health shocks, such as COVID-19 and other global pandemic threats?
3. RESPONDING TO CLIMATE CHANGE | How can USAID best engage global actors, partner countries, and local leaders to mitigate the climate crisis and support equitable adaptation to its impacts?
4. ANTI-CORRUPTION | How can USAID work with host countries, interagency colleagues, and other development actors to address systemic corruption through multisectoral approaches?
5. AFFIRMATIVE DEVELOPMENT | How can USAID advance an affirmative, sustainable development approach to mitigate authoritarian or malign influences and actions?
6. MIGRATION AND FORCED DISPLACEMENT | How can USAID better address drivers of migration and forced displacement through evidence-informed decision-making?
7. DEIA | How can USAID programs and operations mitigate harm to underrepresented and marginalized populations, while promoting equity and inclusion?
8. LOCALLY-LED DEVELOPMENT | How can USAID more equitably engage local knowledge, assets, and practices and align programming with local priorities and metrics for success?
9. PARTNERING FOR SUSTAINABILITY | How can USAID’s partnerships with the private sector; local, faith, and nontraditional partners; and other donors contribute to sustainable development objectives?

Learn With Us

  • Find the latest public Agency Learning Agenda evidence and resources on USAID Learning Lab.
  • Share evidence linked to Agency Learning Agenda questions with us using this form, or contact us at
  • Resources from the previous Agency Learning Agenda (2019-2021) can be found on USAID Learning Lab.
Agency Learning Agenda