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USAID/Ghana is announcing the Youth Activity Addendum to the YouthPower 2 (YP2) Annual Program Statement (APS).

The United States Agency for International Development, Ghana Mission (USAID/Ghana) seeks to support a local Ghanaian applicant with a defined youth-led and locally-led program to empower Ghanaian youth to advance their own social, economic, and civic development through improved employability, improved access to essential services, and strengthened civic engagement. USAID seeks to support an applicant whose proposed program reflects the Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach and who can independently identify and address new and impactful interventions.

Through this Ghana Youth Activity Addendum, USAID/Ghana aims to provide a vehicle for engaging with youth-led and youth-serving organizations, among others, and systems to generate cross-sectoral, positive youth development outcomes. Using locally led development approaches, USAID/Ghana also seeks to support local systems strengthening, achieve sustainable and resilient results, and catalyze more effective partnering for impact.

The integrated and multi-sector planned design of the activity addresses the multifaceted nature of the challenges Ghanaian youth face and supports cross-sectoral, positive youth development outcomes. This approach to youth empowerment promotes efficiencies and facilitates innovation to create synergies that go beyond what any one sector or system might achieve working in isolation.

Eligibility is limited to local entities. USAID is committed to engaging and working with local development partners to embrace their ideas on how to address sustainable development in the Country of Ghana. Local partners are strongly encouraged to submit Concept Notes in response to this APS.

For more information and a full description of USAID/Ghana’s Youth Activity Addendum, please visit; search Funding Opportunity Number: 72064124APS00001.


Bureau for Africa





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