BUILD: Building Capacity for Integrated Family Planning & Reproductive Health and Population, Environment and Development Action to help meet demand for voluntary family planning and other development sector outcomes

People harvest crops in a field

USAID is pleased to announce the award of BUILD: Building Capacity for Integrated Family Planning & Reproductive Health and Population, Environment and Development Action. The award was made to the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) and partners Leadership for Environment and Development Southern and Eastern Africa (LEAD SEA), Path Foundation Philippines Inc (PFPI), Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), and Family Health International 360 (FHI360). BUILD is a five-year cooperative agreement with a period of performance from April 13, 2021 to April 12, 2026.

BUILD will play an important role in ensuring decision makers understand the cross-sectoral benefits of voluntary family planning and in turn, implement policies and programs to help meet demand for family planning and other development sector outcomes. In addition, the program will increase gender equality and promote youth empowerment as a means to achieving sustainable development outcomes. The project will work with host country governments, other donors, implementing partners, and civil society to ensure that voluntary FP/RH and population dynamics are included in policies and programs as key to sustainable and equitable development and economic growth. By building individual and institutional capacity in advocacy, and policy communications and negotiations; and increasing commitment for cross-sectoral approaches to integrated population, health, environment, gender, equity, and other development issues such as resilience and food security, the award will increase both political and financial commitment for voluntary family planning.

The project has two primary result areas: (1) strengthening individual and institutional capacity in advocacy, and policy communications and negotiations; and (2) increasing commitment for cross-sectoral approaches to integrated population, health, environment, climate change, resilience, food security, livelihoods and security programs.

BUILD is managed out of the Office of Population and Reproductive Health’s Policy, Evaluation, and Communication Division (PRH/PEC). For additional details and questions, please contact Lindsay Swisher, Public Health Specialist (, or Sam Sellers, PED Technical Advisor (