A family planning clinician speak with a client

Access to family planning brings transformational benefits to women, families, and communities. As the world's largest bilateral donor of family planning assistance, USAID is committed to helping countries meet the family planning and reproductive health needs of their people.

Through the support of its procurement and supply chain contractors, USAID ensures the continued availability of quality contraceptive commodities to women and couples around the world, empowering them to choose whether, when, and how many children to have.


The Contraceptive and Condom Shipment Report summarizes the quantities and value of contraceptives and condoms procured and delivered with family planning assistance funds. Prior to FY 2018, publications of this report focused on commodities that had been shipped to countries, as opposed to those that were delivered to countries. With increased accessibility of data, reporting of delivered commodities is now possible. From FY 2017 onward, the reports are organized into three sections: worldwide overview by commodity type; by USAID region; and by commodity type.