A health care worker consults with a mother in Madagascar

Access to voluntary family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) services is vital for safe motherhood and healthy families. Having a choice of modern contraceptives allows couples to plan and space births, ensuring families have the means to properly care for their children. USAID ensures an uninterrupted supply of quality FP commodities worldwide through the Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project.

In partnership with national governments and other in-country stakeholders, USAID, through the GHSC-PSM project, has supported the procurement and distribution of over 563 million contraceptives to 34 countries since FY 2017. That translates to about 86 million couple years of protection.

When combined with proper counseling and correct use, contraceptives can positively impact maternal and child health. The millions of contraceptives delivered to USAID-supported health facilities and organizations have or will help prevent approximately:

  • 35 million unintended pregnancies
  • 13 million abortions
  • 87,000 maternal deaths
  • 700,000 child deaths

The global brief and 24 country briefs below estimate the impact of USAID’s investment in contraceptives since FY 2017. The impact numbers are calculated by entering the number of contraceptive commodities delivered from FY2017 through FY2022 Q2 into the Impact 2 model.1

Impact Briefs






  1. Impact 2 is a sociodemographic mathematical model. The figures presented here are estimates based on the available data and assumptions. The model incorporates national data from multiple sources, including Demographic Health Surveys, UN Population Prospects, UN maternal and child mortality data, World Health Organization Burden of Disease, and the Guttmacher Institute.