Stories of Impact


A Perfect Match:

A journey of love and primary health care in Eastern Indonesia

Explore the firsthand experiences of health care workers, women, children, and families in our partner countries through rich stories and vivid photo essays.


Photo Essays

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A Perfect Match: A journey of love and primary health care in Eastern Indonesia


INDONESIA | This story highlights USAID’s partnership with village leaders and the Ministry of Health in Indonesia to ensure that primary health care systems are prepared to support the delivery of healthy babies to decrease maternal and child mortality. 

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The Determined Lactation Counselor


JORDAN | Fostering a culture of breastfeeding among Jordanian mothers

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A Midwife is Like a Mother


GHANA | The essential role of building trust to protect pregnant women against COVID-19

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Primary Health Care

Convenient Care: How monthly clinics bring primary health care services closer to communities in Malawi


MALAWI | Meet Elinat and her newborn at Kainja clinic in Malawi. USAID supports primary health care delivery in Malawi, at clinics like the one where Elinat takes her baby, by training health surveillance assistants, providing supplies, supporting District Health Management teams, and delivering logistical support to conduct outreach clinics in hard-to-reach areas.

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From Outpost to Health Post


SIERRA LEONE | Meet Rebecca, a nurse in Thompson Bay, Sierra Leone who had a vision for creating a space where mothers and newborns could get the care they needed. With USAID support, Rebecca’s dream became a reality. Follow the story of new mother, Fatima, as she seeks care for her newborn son at Rebecca’s clinic. In Sierra Leone, the MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership program supports maternal, newborn, and child health, and voluntary family planning and reproductive health initiatives.

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Mom Knows Best: Equipping mothers in the Kyrgyz Republic with nutrition know-how knows best


KYRGYZ REPUBLIC | Explore Zhannat's journey learning about nutrition for her family. Since 2019, USAID has partnered with the Kyrgyz Republic at the national and local levels—including in village committees and health centers, just like the one in Zhannat's village of Bel-Terek—to improve nutrition for women and children.  USAID's investments seek to protect nutrition throughout the lifecycle to ensure that all women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic are well-nourished and able to live healthy and productive lives.

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Childbirth in the Time of COVID-19: Community health workers help Kenyan women beat the odds


KENYA | Kenya is a priority country for USAID’s work to reduce preventable maternal and child deaths due to its high levels of maternal and child mortality and poor coverage of essential health services. Across the country, less than 20 percent of health facilities can provide basic, emergency obstetric and neonatal care. In Kenya, USAID supports the education of community health care workers to meet the needs of families, and increases access to care by supporting services where they are needed most. 

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Saved by the Call: A phone referral system prevents needless deaths of moms and babies in Tanzania


TANZANIA | Health workers in northern Tanzania are using a new phone call referral system to fast-track decision-making and decrease preventable deaths during childbirth. It was this system, developed by USAID in partnership with the Government of Tanzania, that saved the life of 36-year-old Dotto Wilson. The mother of six survived a life-threatening childbirth complication. Meet Dotto and explore how this partnership changed the landscape of childbirth in her community. 

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Fishing for Happiness: A woman in India finds nutritious food for her daughters


INDIA | The USAID- and WorldFish-supported Scaling Nutrition Sensitive Fisheries Technologies Through Partnerships project promotes carp-mola fish cultivation in nearly 800 home ponds across Odisha state to improve rural families’ access to nutritious fish and enhance their livelihoods. The project also works with 22 women’s groups to teach them the nutritional value of small fish and cultivate nutritious fish in community-leased ponds.

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Automating Public Health: How calls & texts from trusted community leaders remind families to get children vaccinated


NIGERIA | Faced with limited local record keeping and low levels of literacy and connectivity, an innovative program uses a combination of digital record keeping and community engagement to increase early childhood immunizations. An innovative USAID-supported project recruits local women for their team of trained volunteers and supports them with free mobile phones, empowering women to help their communities and overcome social barriers. Learn more about Fatima, a mother of four, and her experience with this program.

Success Stories

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Breastfeeding Brilliance


How one Zambian nutritionist is helping to prevent malnutrition

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Hope Amid Hardship


Strengthening maternal health care in southern Haiti

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The Fabulous Fabienne


One nurse-midwife’s journey to establishing a community-led health care facility with improved services in Madagascar

The Delivery Diaries


How m-mama is revolutionizing emergency referrals to life-saving health care for expectant mothers and their newborns experiencing complications in Tanzania. 

More Birthdays, Less Sick Days


The rollout of new malaria vaccines spur global efforts to end preventable deaths in children under 5. 

Hope on the Horizon


USAID’s impact in reducing postpartum hemorrhage risk in India with heat-stable carbetocin, a heat-stable drug that prevents excessive bleeding after delivery. 

Breaking Down Barriers to Breastfeeding


How Tajikistan’s religious leaders are improving maternal and child health by engaging fathers.

Beyond Immunization Boundaries


Inside Aisha’s journey as a community health mobilizer in Nairobi’s informal settlements.

Cancer Control Chronicles


Five ways USAID is advancing a cervical cancer free tomorrow.

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The Power of Community-Based Networks: How strategies applied for COVID-19 vaccination in India can improve routine immunization coverage


As India strives to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, USAID’s new framework and partnerships will be vital for increasing routine immunization coverage across the country to increase maternal and child survival.

Delivering Quality


Learn how USAID’s partnership with the Government of India transformed labor and delivery rooms for safer childbirth. Thanks to the respectful care and delivery that Shivani, a new mother, received last month at the Ranchi District Hospital, in Jharkhand, India, she can now spend time recovering and enjoy thinking about name choices for her newborn with her husband, Amit. 

Safe Childbirth Close to Home


A mother in Senegal names her newborn after her midwife to honor the quality of care she received at community-invested health post. Read her story and learn how USAID is supporting women and children in Senegal to have sustainable access to high quality quality health services for improved health outcomes over the course of their lives.


Fighting Malnutrition in Ghana


Almost half of all deaths for children under 5 are attributable to malnutrition — this is why improving nutrition is imperative to achieving USAID’s global maternal and child survival goals. Climate change, conflict, and the lasting impacts of COVID-19 have all exacerbated rates of global malnutrition and contributed to the global food security and hunger crisis. Learn how health workers are leading the charge for change.

Harnessing the Power of a Text Message to Save Lives


In Kenya, the maternal mortality rate is almost 2.5 times higher than the average maternal mortality rate worldwide. Gaps in the quality of intrapartum care and delays in care seeking contribute to a significant number of maternal deaths in Kenya. Learn how USAID is improving access to health services with digital technology for mothers in Kenya. 

Putting People at the Center of USAID Immunization Programs


Vaccines are powerful tools for saving lives, stopping the spread of infectious diseases, and helping communities thrive. When individuals are fully protected from the threat of vaccine-preventable diseases, they can stay in school, care for their families, and contribute to the economic growth of their countries. Yet, to ultimately support long lives well-lived, we must go from vaccines to vaccination.

First of Its Kind, A New Malaria Vaccine


From emperors in ancient Rome to toddlers in sub-Saharan Africa today, people have been dying from malaria for thousands of years. Over the last century, innovative technologies and scientific breakthroughs have supported more than 100 countries, including the United States, to successfully eliminate malaria from within their borders. Yet for more than half the world, malaria remains a leading cause of death and hospitalizations, particularly for young children and pregnant women.

A Collective Responsibility


Recognizing that achieving optimal breastfeeding practices requires broad-based support, USAID promotes breastfeeding as a collective responsibility — one that families, communities, health systems, governments, and development partners must champion together.

Dignified Menstruation in the Workplace


Around the world, many people who menstruate every month cannot afford to buy tampons and pads. This “period poverty” can cause poor concentration at work and even missed work, leading to less productivity.

Making a Lasting Impact on Mothers in Africa


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, women — and mothers in particular — have borne the brunt of hardships brought about by lockdowns, economic crises, and disruptions to food systems. The pandemic has limited access to essential health care, cost countless women their jobs, and closed schools around the world. Many mothers were challenged to find emergency health services and child care, as well as the means to feed their families. Learn how USAID is advancing quality, respectful, and accessible care for mothers and their families.

Helping Babies Breathe


Meet Tayeeba: a bright, smiling 8-year-old from Shadipur, Bangladesh. She spends her days playing with her family and neighbors, like many other children across the world. However, Tayeeba’s first moments of life were not so carefree. When her mom Rikta gave birth to her in 2012, attending midwife Sakhina quickly realized Tayeeba was not breathing. Learn how an innovative approach and a decade of partnership have helped save newborn lives.

Ensuring a Mighty Future with Micronutrients


Micronutrient deficiencies are the most widespread form of malnutrition, affecting hundreds of thousands of children each year, impairing their future and even their survival. Thirty years ago, global leaders made bold commitments to eliminate vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Protect, Prevent, and Treat: Taking action in the global fight against childhood pneumonia


USAID works to protect, prevent, and treat pneumonia using approaches that build up a child’s resilience to better fight off disease. These interventions include ensuring proper nutrition through breastfeeding and complementary feeding; expanding routine immunization; promoting handwashing with soap and water; improving indoor air quality through multi-sectoral efforts; scaling up quality of care; and using technological advances to diagnose pneumonia more accurately. 

Clean Hands (and More!) in the Time of COVID-19


Proper handwashing with soap and water represents the first layer of defense against COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. But many places around the world cannot practice this behavior due to a lack of access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) resources. Health care workers, families, and students cannot practice safe handwashing due to shortages of running water or soap in homes, health care facilities, and schools.

Kicking Polio Out of Africa: Celebrating a historic milestone


Thanks to 25 years of coordination and commitment to scaling up and sustaining the delivery of vaccines to children in the hardest-to-reach places, the wild poliovirus no longer threatens children across the African continent. Africa is the fifth of six global regions declared wild polio-free; only the eastern Mediterranean region remains uncertified. Learn about the history of this progress and how diverse teams worked together to stop the spread of polio on the African continent. 

Mama Breastfeeding: How a nurse in Tanzania promotes breastfeeding in her community


To strangers, Isabella goes by Isabella Hwinzela Bigendako or Nurse Isabella. But to family, friends, and colleagues, she answers to a different name: ‘Mama Breastfeeding.’ Learn more about how Isabella earned this nickname after she participated in a USAID-supported mentorship training for community-level healthcare providers to learn best practices for maternal and child health, including building the skills of other health workers to provide proper breastfeeding counseling and support to pregnant women and new families.

Not All Heroes Wear Capes: How USAID equips and empowers nurses and midwives to prevent maternal and child deaths


During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses and midwives played a critical role in the outbreak response in addition to maintaining essential health care for women and children. Nurses and midwives also play an invaluable role in saving maternal, newborn, and child lives. Learn more about the ways USAID investments empower nurses and midwives by providing them with the skills and support for success.

Voices of ‘Vaccine Champions’ From Around USAID


Every year, 19 million infants worldwide are not reached with basic vaccinations. Vaccines save lives. Immunization averts 2 to 3 million deaths annually, and is one of the most cost-effective interventions to stop the spread of preventable infectious diseases. Take a look back and learn from our 'Vaccine Champions' around the world.