USAID supports public and private sector initiatives which attract and promote foreign direct investment and create economic opportunities for Guatemala.

Guatemala is the largest, most industrial country in Central America with a large pool of workers and a historically stable economy and currency. Four of ten products sold in the region are made in Guatemala. The country has 3.1% annual growth and FDI in 2020 topped $900M. Guatemala is among the top ten in Latin America and the Caribbean for its macroeconomic stability (Global Competitiveness Index) and the largest exporter of goods ($11.6B) in Central America with a population of 16.8 million habitants.

Guatemala offers speed to market and connectivity to the region: Mexico City and Miami are about a two-hour flight away; three international ports - one in the Atlantic and two on the Pacific are the second largest port system in the region, after Panama; Guatemala has two international airports with 22 international and 11 cargo carriers; and trade agreements with 12 countries.


USAID supports public-private sector initiatives which attract investment and create jobs, through its Creating Economic Opportunities Project. This project is designed to spur private sector-led economic growth. USAID works with Government entities and key private sector stakeholders to promote a business enabling environment that support new investments in Guatemala as well as duty free nearshoring opportunities to strengthen global value-chains with Guatemala´s competitive and comparative advantages. USAID offers full support through the whole process of investment promotion, from prospection through to implementation of investment projects, and has a complete team of experts to guide business leaders and their teams through the process of exploring opportunities in Guatemala.

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