USAID has long supported initiatives that increase access to mental health services. The Agency now elevates this commitment with the USAID Mental Health Position Paper, USAID’s first policy document related to the integration of mental health into Agency programs. The Position Paper signals USAID’s commitment to advancing mental health around the world and achieving USAID’s long-term development goals.

The Policy Paper focuses on four principles that will guide the Agency’s approach:

  • Promote sustainable enabling environments that support mental health.
  • Apply contextually-appropriate approaches developed in partnership with local communities. 
  • Actively promote the use of ethics, human rights, and Do No Harm practices.
  • Address key barriers to effective programming, including mental health stigma and the need to diversify and strengthen partnerships.

The Position Paper is the result of careful work spanning over two years. In January of 2022, USAID launched a policy development process and initiated broad stakeholder consultations. Nearly 200 participants, representing geographic, thematic, professional, and experiential diversity provided input. This information and an extensive literature review, summarized in 11 evidence briefs linked below, informed the development of the position paper and the recommended approaches.

Evidence Briefs 


USAID Mental Health Position Paper

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USAID Mental Health Position Paper

Positive mental health allows people to more readily cope with stressors and adapt to change. At scale, mental adaptiveness translates into stronger, more resilient communities. In this way, elevating mental health throughout USAID is another way of putting into practice our Agency's mission of advancing a free, peaceful, and prosperous world.

inclusive development mental health Inclusive Development Policies