USAID's policy is that programs, projects, activities, public communications, or commodities implemented or delivered under assistance awards are generally "co-branded and co-marked."

This means that the program name represents both USAID and the implementing partner, and the USAID identity and implementer's logo must both be visible with equal size and prominence on program materials produced for program purposes.

A host-country symbol or ministry logo or other U.S. Government seal or logo may also be added, if applicable.

  1. After merit review of applications, the AO will request the apparently successful applicant to submit a Branding Strategy and Marking Plan. All applicants must ensure costs for branding and marking are included in their original cost application submissions.
  2. The apparently successful applicant prepares and submits to the AO the Branding Strategy and Marking Plan in accordance with RFA/APS requirements.
  3. The AO will review, negotiate, approve and finalize the Branding Strategy and Marking Plan as part of the award. The AO may ask other USAID staff to participate in the review.
  4. The AOR monitors the recipient's compliance with it's Branding Strategy and Marking Plan and alerts the AO of any non-compliance issues.  

Where Can I Learn More?

  • 2 CFR 700.16 Marking
  • ADS 320.3.3 Branding and Marking for Assistance Awards
  • ADS 303.3.6.2 Merit Review Criteria

Developed by USAID/India's Regional Financial Management Office and Regional Office of Acquisition and Assistance and the Central and South Asia Acquisition and Assistance Lab in support of Local Capacity Building.

