Regional Office of Acquisition and Assistance & Regional Financial Management Office

Written by Hala Elattar

Special Edition
India Partnerships Program (IPP)
Innovation and Partnership Opportunities
Grants Compliance training April 4, 2016 – April 8, 2016

Spotlight: India Partnerships Program (IPP) – APS 2.0

USAID/India announces the publication of its new Annual Program Statement (APS-386-16-000001) soliciting applications from qualified non-profit, for profit, and governmental organizations for the India Partnerships Program (IPP) to engage in new--or to expand existing--public and private sector partnerships for India in priority areas defined by the Government of India (GOI) and the United States Government (USG).

The IPP supports testing, adoption and scaling of creative or innovative solutions to meet development challenges in the areas of health, food security, clean energy, gender equality, female empowerment, maternal and child health, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, affordable health care, water and sanitation access, early grade reading, promotion of clean and renewable energy, forestry, food security, triangular cooperation, gender and financial inclusion.

The process outlined in the APS will apply to all responses from prospective partners from March 31, 2016 forward. The complete APS document can be accessed at…, which includes complete details of the application for consideration. Specific inquiries on this APS can be sent to:

The process has three phases with clear actions, decisions points and deliverables in each phase. A more detailed look at each phase is provided in the following diagram.

  • Start: Review APS

Mission Partner Engagement

  • Consider APS criteria and strategy (sectors and themes) and, if desired, consult with Mission technical and CIP office regarding proposed concept.
  • Submit Concept Paper to USAID/India using the template to Section IV of the APS.
  • USAID/India Selection Committee reviews Concept Papers following the quarterly review process in Section IV using the merit review criteria in Section V and assign one of two results:
    • Concept Paper is conditionally accepted; OR
    • Concept Paper is rejected. If rejected, USAID/India sends rejection letter. Process ends.
  • If accepted, Applicant is invited for Co-Design. Co-design based on USAID/India’s questions and comments for restructuring. Two possible outcomes:
    • Co-design is successful; OR
    • Co-design is unsuccessful. If unsuccessful, USAID/India sends rejection letter. Process ends.
  • If successful, USAID/India issues a Request for Application (RFA)
  • Organization submits full application. USAID reviews for acceptability and negotiations between the Agreement Officer and the organization may occur.
  • USAID makes award and partner begins implementation.

Developing the Capacity of USAID Implementing Partners: USAID/India Grants Compliance Course

2016: April 4-8

On Monday April 4, 2016 USAID/India held its fourth Compliance Course at the Leela Palace Hotel and welcomed twenty-two different organizations and seven staff members representing every sector of its development portfolio. The Grants and Cooperative Agreements course is part of USAID/India's Local Capacity Building initiative. The training engaged local organizations to enhance understanding of post-award compliance requirements, and ultimately improve performance.

The Course was inaugurated by Mission Director Ambassador Jonathan Addleton who welcomed and encouraged the participants to engage and to take advantage of each other's expertise. USAID/India Director of the Regional Office of Acquisition & Assistance,Charles "Chuck" Pope and Regional Controller Amr Elattar also kicked off the conference with opening remarks.

After a brief introduction exercise, trainers Jeff Bell and Fanny Jorge provided the participants with an overview of the course. The course highlighted the rules and regulations related to Grants and Cooperative Agreements including the significant changes to USAID assistance policies and procedures that have been introduced in the last few years. It also included financial and audit management sessions presented by USAID staff.

Implementing Partners in Attendance:

  • AAPL
  • CTA Dept. of Education
  • CTA Dept. of Health
  • CYSD
  • FHI 360
  • INSA-India
  • Jhpiego
  • JSI
  • Kaivalya Education Foundation
  • NMP+
  • PSI India
  • Room to Read
  • Safewater Network
  • SARD
  • TERI University
  • The Tibet Fund

Cost Share

Cost share or "matching" refers to the resources a recipient contributes to the total cost of an agreement. It becomes a condition of an award when it is part of the approved award budget. It is verifiable from the recipient's records, ie it CAN be audited. Includes all cash and in-kind contributions from the recipient or third parties.

Program Income

The gross income earned by the recipient that is directly generated by an activity supported under an assistance award, or earned as a result of the award. Includes (but is not limited to):

  • Fees for services performed;
  • The use of rental of real or personal property acquired under USG-funded projects on other non-USG projects;
  • Sale of commodities or items fabricated under an award; or
  • Interest on loans made with award funds (ie microcredit programs).


Resources that a non-traditional USAID partner brings to a public-private partnership, ie the portion not being borne by USAID. These non-traditional resource partners are typically NOT receiving USAID funds. It can be a variety of forms - anything of value that is measured, financial contributions, third party contributions, donated services or property, or intellectual property. It can NOT be audited.

Special thanks to Alysia Fullen for the infographic!

Upcoming Training Opportunity

USAID/India Grant Compliance Course
June 6 – 10, 2016
The Leela Palace
New Delhi

Visit Us

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act
The Ministry of Home Affairs, India, has extended the date for filing applications for renewal of FCRA registrations up to June 30, 2016. www.fcraonline.nic

New Cooperative Agreement: Lord’s Education and Health Society (LEHS) / WISH Foundation

ROAA India, Sri Lanka & Maldives is proud to announce that a Cooperative Agreement has been executed with Lord's Education and Health Society (LEHS) / WISH Foundation. The purpose of this Cooperative Agreement is to demonstrate and scale up high impact innovations to transform primary healthcare delivery in high priority districts of the states with low performing health indicators. State Consortium to Accelerate Leverage and Economize (SCALE) acts as the facilitating platform between the government, private sector organizations, innovators and social enterprises and healthcare ecosystem partners in bringing together financial and technical resources in catalyzing integration of promising health innovations into the state public health system.

Helpful Tips:

Section 579, Foreign Tax Report, due 30/4/2016
Section 579 of the FY 2003 Foreign Operations Act requires the reporting of taxes paid on commodities purchased with Foreign Assistance funds. In order for the Mission to meet this reporting requirement and comply with Section 579, we request annual information from all our contractors and grantees pertaining to value added taxes (VAT) and customs duties imposed on commodities financed with USAID assistance in excess of $500 per transaction. The reporting period will cover the period from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. A clause regarding this reporting requirement under Section 579 was incorporated in all contracts and grant agreements. Please ensure that this information reaches your AOR before April 30, 2016.

Hot Topics

This section is meant to provide guidance in the form of Q&A. We encourage you to submit your question(s) to We will address them and feature the answer. We hope you will find this section helpful and informative.

Q: What is the benefit for USAID to be working through partners instead of implementing projects directly? A: Recognizing that one organization or sector cannot solve the world's most intractable development challenges, USAID proactively seeks to build partnerships that leverage the combined skills, assets, technologies and resources of the public, private and nonprofit sectors to deliver sustainable development impact. Such partnerships enable us to achieve more working together than we ever could working alone.

Building partnerships with USAID starts with defining a shared vision of what we want to achieve together, and then co-creating a partnership that taps into the respective strengths of different partners. We believe the most effective partnerships are those in which risks, responsibilities and rewards are s

hared, and which address core interests of all parties involved.

Q: How does USAID engage with the private sector? A: USAID works with companies where there is strong alignment between business interests and development objectives. The opportunities for strong alignment of interests are growing markets, customer bases and workforces. More than 90 percent of financial flows from the U.S. to developing world are now from private sources, creating an opportunity for USAID and the private sector to work together leverage complementary strengths and resources to promote market-led development.

Many obstacles businesses face are symptoms of the social and economic development challenges USAID is working to address in developing countries from outreach and supply chain stability to community investment and workforce development. USAID works as co-investor, convener, facilitator and risk mitigator, offering support to companies that in turn share their resources, assets and expertise to reduce poverty and spur economic growth through market-based solutions. USAID has a long track record of partnering with the business community. We work collaboratively with the private sector to improve the business environments of developing countries, mitigate risk and help companies find growth and investment opportunities in critical development sectors. Since 2001, we have built more than 1,600 alliances with 3,000 partners, spanning all regions and development priorities and leveraging more than $ 19 billion in public and private resources. Engaging with the Private Sector_FINAL.pdf

Please direct questions or comments about this newsletter to Hala Elattar or to Tracie Frost at