Directly addressing the root causes of food insecurity in chronically food-insecure regions through public works, natural resource management, and social infrastructure interventions
Implementing Partners: Catholic Relief Services, Food for the Hungry, Relief Society of Tigray,
World Vision Ethiopia
USAID Investment: Over 80 percent of a 5-year budget of $577 million
Contact: Moges Worku
Helping to restore watershed services to protect vulnerable populations from shocks, including:
- Protection of downstream homes, other properties, and infrastructure from damage due to sedimentation and flash floods
- Enhanced water availability from groundwater recharge and improved stream base flow
- Improved land productivity and biodiversity from improved soil fertility
Improving social services available to vulnerable groups:
- Construction of school classrooms, veterinary clinics, farmer training centers, access roads, heath posts, and domestic water sources
- Opportunities for employable skill-transfer to community members, particularly for the jobless youth, including masonry, plumbing, and carpentry
Increasing opportunities to earn and participate more:
- Earning income from direct employment in public works
- Decision-making positions in community groups and engagement as forewomen
- Less time spent on travel to water points, health service centers, and the market
Exchanging development approaches and technologies between regions and countries
- Synergizing food security benefits from public works efforts and natural resource management interventions
- Savings and internal lending communities
- Using grey water to grow vegetables for household consumption and income