Reducing the number of people needing food assistance in drought-prone areas by constructing community assets that enhance future food security
Implementing Partners: World Food Program, World Vision International, Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture
USAID Investment: $50 million since 2011
Contact: Erina Machoko
Constructing community-based assets that enhance food security and diversify livelihoods for food insecure households:
- Building irrigation systems, dip tanks, fishponds, cattle sales pens, dams, etc.
Helping local communities create, manage, and maintain their own assets:
- Establishing and equipping community-based committees (Project Implementation Teams and Asset Management Committees) with both software and hardware skills
Allocating leadership roles in community-based committees that manage day-to-day construction:
- Increasing skills and raising confidence through training
- Improving livelihoods by ensuring that at least 50 percent of beneficiaries are women
Partnering with other donors, such as the Swiss and the Japanese Governments:
- Constructing community assets in the same communities that complement each other