
For Immediate Release

Press Release

Baghdad, July 30, 2024 - The USAID-Funded Iraq Civil Society Activity-Tafa'aol activity, implemented by Counterpart International, held its first annual Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue in Erbil.

The Dialogue engaged a diverse group of local civil society organizations (CSOs), community-based groups, government officials, think tanks, and community leaders to discuss community priorities, youth trends, and innovative engagement strategies. Thirty-three local stakeholder groups from eleven provinces (Baghdad, Basrah, Ninewa, Anbar, Muthanna, Wasit, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Dahuk, Diyala, and Kirkuk) participated in the dialogue.

Participants explored innovations and trends shaping Iraqi civil society. Discussions highlighted progress made by Iraqi youth groups and CSOs in engaging citizens in civic life and decision-making processes. Innovative methods for community consultations and financial solutions were of keen interest. Growing support for civil society organizations by businesses through Corporate Social Responsibility highlighted the potential of outreach and media to promote civic action and the importance of effective messaging to promote behavior change.

The Dialogue catalyzed expanded networks among local groups, building on success stories and real-life examples from participants in responding to their communities' priorities with durable solutions.  Through this partnership, USAID and Counterpart International support civic participation and greater social cohesion in Iraq.


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