Pandemic Response is a three-year activity that works to promote preventive practices for COVID-19. It was established in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Kosovo. The activity aims to increase acceptance, uptake, and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines through evidence-based interventions and community engagement; strengthen the cold chain system for vaccines in Kosovo; and address the effects of the pandemic on children from marginalized groups by improving their access to quality social services, both during and post COVID-19.


  • Increase community outreach to combat misinformation about the safety and effectiveness of routine immunization, along with COVID-19 vaccination, and encourage everyone who is eligible to to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
  • Provide improved cold chain equipment to prevent the loss of vaccines from inadequate storage conditions, including new cold rooms and ultra-low temperature freezers for the Central Vaccine Storage facility, medical centers throughout Kosovo, and the Pristina airport.
  • Enhance the effectiveness of COVID-19 tracking and surveillance at the National Institute for Public Health and its seven regional centers by delivering specialized equipment and materials to test and detect COVID-19 variants and support the implementation of the 2022-2025 National Action Plan for Immunization.  
  • Address the impact of COVID-19 on human rights and strengthen national child protection and education systems to ensure continuity in the provision of core services for children and their families. 

Key Results To Date 

Developed the Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Action Plan for COVID-19 , and identified main misinformation narratives around vaccination. 
Engaged vulnerable and marginalized groups, including Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian communities, people living in poverty, and the elderly through outreach, such as door-to-door visits, to raise awareness and increase the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Supported COVID-19 vaccine delivery by establishing five temporary testing and vaccination sites in five major municipalities in Kosovo; delivered critical equipment to primary health care institutions to decentralize vaccination at the municipal level. 
Renewed Kosovo’s vaccine cold chain system, providing critical support for delivering COVID-19 vaccination. This included the procurement and installation of five cold/freezer rooms and eight Ultra-Low Temperature freezers for Central Vaccine storage, and 270 refrigerators for Primary Health Care facilities. 
Over 400 Primary Health Care workers were trained to promote immunization
Trained 430 front-line workers to deliver integrated, high-quality services at Centers for Social Work (CSWs), targeting marginalized groups of children, with a specific emphasis on the most vulnerable children.

Additional Information  

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID/Kosovo) 

July 2021 - January 2024 


$ 6,495,922.00

Ministry of Health, National Institute for Public Health 


Berenika Gashi, Project Management Specialist


Pandemic Response Activity
USAID on behalf of the American People helped facilitate the largest vaccine donations to Kosovo.
USAID Kosovo
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Kosovo fact sheet