
Kosovans are known for supporting their communities when needs arise. The large number of diaspora providing for their families in Kosovo is a testimony to this willingness to give back. Despite this, a formal philanthropic sector in the country is still in its early stages.  

USAID partner the Kosovo Makers League is working to grow this sector and is making a big impact in the lives of Kosovo’s children.  Recently, KML teamed up with Kosovo Ideas to launch the new “One Robot per Child” initiative, raising more than €64,000 to supply cutting-edge robots to nearly 230 schools across the country. Exposure to robotics is helping foster innovation, critical thinking, and teamwork among children, enhancing their engagement with modern technology. 

KML is dedicated to cultivating an innovative and creative atmosphere for primary and secondary school students interested in science and technology. The initiative also focuses on developing students' cognitive abilities by involving them in various missions that require them to apply specialized skills in tandem with new technologies. 

The success of One Robot per Child illustrates the powerful outcomes that can arise from community and diaspora-driven philanthropy focused on meeting the needs of younger generations in the country. USAID’s Citizen Engagement Activity is proud to support efforts like these that foster a culture of giving across Kosovo that can drive future prosperity and opportunities. 

Supporting Innovative Philanthropic Efforts in Kosovo
Robotics Competition - Kosovo Makers League Open en 2022/23
Kosovo Makers League
Kosovo Stories