VIENTIANE, LAO PDR — The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) launched the Legal Aid Webpage at a ceremony in Vientiane Capital on August 26, 2021.  The Legal Aid Webpage was recently developed and added to the MOJ’s main website (  The MOJ will use the webpage to provide Lao citizens with information about legal aid services.  The public can go to the website, ask questions, and request advice and consultation from the MOJ free of charge.  MOJ utilizes legal aid, including the webpage, to ensure that vulnerable people -- such as the poor, disadvantaged, people living with disabilities, children, victims of violence, and victims of human trafficking -- have access to legal resources.

The launch of the webpage was witnessed by Vice Minister of Justice Mr. Bountha Xongyhethao, USAID Country Representative Mr. Michael Ronning, and TAF Country Representative Todd Wassel and attended by representatives from the Ministry of Justice along with the press, lawyers, and development partners.

This Legal Aid Webpage was developed with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with the Asia Foundation through the USAID Legal Aid Support program.  

“Today’s launch of the Legal Aid Webpage demonstrates the United States’ firm commitment under the U.S.-Laos Comprehensive Partnership to promote access to justice in Laos,” said Mr. Michael Ronning.  “This year, the United States and the Lao PDR are celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Comprehensive Partnership, and the United States is proud to continue supporting Lao PDR to achieve its national development goals.”

The webpage will provide a greater number of Lao citizens with access to important legal aid services, including information and referrals for advice and documentation.  The Legal Aid Webpage will also support the MOJ to increase access to justice for all and ensure equality, with the aim of building a more just and prosperous Lao PDR.  To date, the program has doubled the number of legal aid offices, which will benefit vulnerable populations across the country for many years to come.

United States and Ministry of Justice Launch a Legal Aid Webpage to Assist Vulnerable Populations
United States and Ministry of Justice Launch a Legal Aid Webpage to Assist Vulnerable Populations
Athit Chanthalath/USAID