Friday, June 14, 2024

In the past decade, Libyan activists have tirelessly championed the rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWD), yet concrete progress has been hampered by a lack of cohesive government vision and support.

In response, USAID, through the Taqarib project, is supporting three newly established municipal Persons with Disabilities Offices in southern Libya by providing equipment, assisting with accessibility enhancements, and bolstering the advocacy capabilities of PWDs through comprehensive training, grants, and peer-to-peer programs.

Recognizing that support for these three communities represents just the first stride in enhancing the lives of PWDs in Libya, USAID supported the Ministry of Local Governance to launch the National Program for Community Participation and Social Communication.

At a forum attended by 200 individuals in May, Minister of Local Governance, Badr Al-Toumi, marked the inaugural nationwide gathering for the Persons with Disabilities Offices. The forum was a platform for knowledge exchange, fostering a deeper understanding of the daily challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in both personal and professional spheres.

The forum covered a range of topics, including the High National Election Commission efforts to ensure accessibility in municipal elections for both candidates and voters. Additionally, the Ministry of Local Governance presented findings from a survey about community needs and the operations of the new PWD offices conducted in collaboration with USAID.

This groundbreaking initiative brought together representatives from all 144 Libyan municipalities, alongside ministry officials. Through collaborative endeavors such as this forum, USAID takes a crucial step towards nurturing inclusivity and empowerment for this vulnerable community across Libya.


Ms. Majda ELKateb, the Head of the HNEC Unit for Supporting People with Disabilities, delivered a speech stating the significance of the PWD Unit in Municipal elections
Ms. Majda ELKateb, the Head of the HNEC Unit for Supporting People with Disabilities, delivered a speech stating the significance of the PWD Unit in Municipal elections.
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