5 Stories of Localization in Action

How is localization happening in Kenya, Burma, Nepal, Uganda, and Paraguay?


USAID is working with local partners who bring knowledge, skills, leadership, and resources to address challenges in their own communities.

This locally led approach requires intentional listening, understanding of local systems, building equitable partnerships, engaging in locally led monitoring and evaluation, and supporting local leaders to sustain change over the long term.

A group stretches arms towards the left in rows, a morning exercise in a rehabilitation program. They stand in the center of a field with the rehabilitation center behind them.
Members of a Dalit community in eastern Nepal sit on the ground in a semi circle during a listening session with USAID. The closest participants have their back to the camera; one woman faces the camera holding her baby.
A group of health cooperative members in Uganda smile, looking towards a piece of paper held by a man in the middle.
Centered in her lush nursery, Olga raises a hose to water her plants all around her. Potted succulents cover a tabletop and hang from wires.

How is localization happening in Kenya, Burma, Nepal, Uganda, and Paraguay?

local works stories US4LLD Stories Locally Led Development Localization