START: JUN/28/2022 | END: JUN/27/2024 | FUNDING: $240,000


USAID Local Works: Mahottari works with vulnerable and marginalized communities to promote an equitable recovery from the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19. This partnership with communities builds resilience by reducing the risks to families of falling back into poverty after similar future economic or natural shocks.


USAID Local Works: Mahottari supports strengthening local enterprises and farmers’ business planning through the establishment of resource centers that provide greater access to seed, fertilizer, tools, and advice. The activity gives special consideration to enterprises led by women, persons with disabilities, START returnee migrants, and Dalit castes.

USAID Local Works: Mahottari Promotes locally-led solutions:

USAID ensures engagement of the most marginalized and vulnerable groups with the local municipal office when discussing each step of the project management cycle. This promotes sustainable market based livelihood options and in making those livelihood options disaster resilient through business continuity plans. USAID trains beneficiaries on a seven-step planning process focusing on inclusive participation of marginalized and vulnerable people in order to advocate with local governments.

Engages marginalized communities:

USAID targets the marginalized and vulnerable groups of Mahitani municipality, including women, discriminated castes, marginalized ethnic groups, persons with disabilities, and migrant returnees. USAID supports businesses led or managed by women, and promotes river beds and barren lands reclamation for horticultural production using agroforestry practices that benefit landless and small plot households.

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USAID Local Works: Mahottari
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