Thursday, June 13, 2024


ADMINISTRATOR SAMANTHA POWER: Last year, when I had the chance to visit Fiji to open the USAID Pacific Islands Mission in Suva, I saw firsthand Fiji’s continued commitment to democratic principles, and with it, meaningful benefits in the lives of Fijians – from improvements to health services, to greater opportunities for students to succeed in the classroom and in their communities. Together, I believe that we can expand on this moment of opportunity to turn it into something truly enduring. 

That’s why today, I am so pleased to announce that Fiji will be joining USAID’s Democracy Delivers Initiative. In an era in which democratic backsliding is occurring in almost every corner of the world, Fiji has achieved significant democratic progress, evidenced by its recent peaceful transition of power. So, as part of this effort, USAID will be working with the Government of Fiji to help it cement its recent democratic gains and to help it show citizens how democracy delivers on their most pressing needs. 

The United States recognizes the importance of this moment. We are here to listen, to partner, and to help the people and government of Fiji deliver on their vision for an increasingly inclusive, peaceful, and participatory democracy.  

USAID will be mobilizing new resources to support the people of Fiji in several key domains. Supporting efforts to hold municipal elections that increase women’s political participation as both voters and candidates, and expanding access to the electoral process for people with disabilities. Helping Fijian farmers improve the cultivation of root crops, fruits, and rice so Pacific Islanders have access to locally-grown, nutritious food. And helping build more waste collection points in communities and promoting recycling and outreach to stem the flow of ocean plastics – thereby protecting the ocean ecosystems that are so essential, both to Fijian communities and to our planet’s future. 

Democracy Delivers Initiative



Democracies deliver. They deliver stronger, more resilient economies. They deliver better opportunities for citizens and outcomes for communities. And they deliver freer, more inclusive, more just societies.

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