Matt Rees
Position Title
Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator

Matt Rees, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, serves as the Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator (SDAA) in the Bureau for Africa (AFR).

Prior to joining AFR, he served as Deputy Mission Director for USAID El Salvador, Central America & Mexico in San Salvador. Previously, in Washington, D.C., he served as the USG Coordinator for the Prosper Africa Initiative, and the USG Deputy Coordinator for the Power Africa Initiative.

Mr. Rees served as the USAID Coordinator for the Trade Africa Initiative and Director of the Office of Regional Economic Integration in USAID/Kenya & East Africa. Additionally, Mr. Rees managed economic, investment and policy programs in USAID/Iraq and USAID/Colombia. Before joining USAID, Mr. Rees worked for the African Development Foundation, international NGOs focused on rural economic and community development, and served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mongolia.

Mr. Rees holds a BA in Anthropology from the University of Colorado, and an MA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies.

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