Press Release

Today, on the margins of the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Leaders Meeting, the United States, together with Australia, Canada, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, announced their endorsement of a statement of support for Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity (UBPP) and the Pacific Resilience Facility (PRF). These endorsements mark a significant step in uniting international support for Pacific-led efforts to improve the lives of people across the Blue Pacific continent.

UBPP will support Pacific communities by rapidly mobilizing hybrid investment, with a focus on sustainably managing and protecting the ocean, robust and resilient food systems, and enhancing Pacific livelihoods. The PRF offers a credible and efficient alternative climate and disaster community financing mechanism to help Pacific communities improve disaster preparedness and response to climate shocks.

The statement highlights the partners’ commitment for Pacific-led responses to our shared priorities. Today’s endorsements of the statement demonstrate the importance of ongoing collaboration with the PIF and the Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific, including the Pacific Community (SPC), and to identifying where existing efforts, expertise, and convening power can be leveraged to attract new investments, strengthen partnerships – particularly with the private sector – and mobilize new resources to achieve the ambitious goals set forward by our partners in the Pacific region.

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