The lack of venue for consultation and the sharing of technical-scientific information hinders the design, implementation and evaluation of practices, public policies and regulatory frameworks to achieve sustainable development in the Amazon region.
With support from USAID this activity seeks to build The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization’s (OTCA) capacity to better fulfill its role as a Regional Treaty Organization. While modernizing the ORA, OTCA will generate updated and quality information for decision-making based on scientific evidence and technical information.
The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA by its initials in Spanish) is based in Brazil. It is an intergovernmental organization composed of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. These countries signed the Amazon Cooperation Treaty on July 3, 1978, committing to work for sustainable development in the Amazonian region. This alliance seeks to consolidate and renovate OTCA’s functions and position the ORA in the member countries, as one of the main instruments of management in the region and strengthening of the OTCA, to promote the sustainable development of the Amazon region.