
More and more organizations are committed to improving their information and monitoring systems to make informed decisions, contributing significantly to Peru's path towards the OECD, say representatives of USAID/Peru, the government, civil society and the private sector.

These statements were made during the closing event of the USAID Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Sustainability (MELS) Project, whose purpose was to promote the use of evidence in development initiatives. 

The closing event of the USAID/Peru "Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for Sustainability" (MELS) project brought together more than 150 key actors to highlight progress in improving skills and generating useful and quality data for sustainable development.

During the meeting, significant progress was celebrated in the use of evidence for decision-making in development programs, despite persistent challenges such as the spread of fake news, the scarcity of reliable data and gaps in monitoring and assessment.

In addition, the results of studies developed by USAID that make visible the situation of vulnerable populations were presented. “Having data, evidence and studies that contribute to improving the design of public policies is essential to guarantee lasting improvements in the lives of the population. Through MELS, we have conducted research that amplifies the voices of historically silenced groups and provides crucial evidence to better direct our efforts,” said Steven Majors, Director, USAID/Peru Regional Program Office.

Among the studies presented, the findings on the situation of the LGBTIQ+ community, indigenous women and small farmers affected by the pandemic stand out. These generated great interest among participants, who highlighted their value in formulating more inclusive and effective policies.

"Seeing how specialists use evidence to improve their interventions and positively impact more lives is inspiring," said Steven Majors, Director, USAID/Peru Regional Program Office. "Evidence generates a transformative impact. We celebrate the commitment of the participants to progress and innovation."

The learnings from MELS will continue to generate knowledge for the implementation of more effective development programs and to make visible the needs of the most vulnerable populations in Peru, on their route to the OECD.


Evidence for Change, closure event of the MELS project
The closing event of the USAID/Peru "Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for Sustainability" (MELS) project brought together more than 150 key actors to highlight progress in improving skills and generating useful and quality data for sustainable development.
USAID MELS project
Peru News