
The National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA) leads Peru’s battle against drug trafficking. USAID partners with DEVIDA and other Government of Peru (GOP) institutions to decrease poverty, promote integrated sustainable development in rural communities, and sustain reductions of coca in the Peruvian Amazon.

USAID strengthens Peru’s capacity to implement the National Strategy for Combating Drugs through two principal, complementary mechanisms: (1) the second phase of a Government-to-Government (G2G) assistance agreement between USAID and DEVIDA, and (2) an institutional support contract to improve public investment and household incomes in target coca eradication areas, once dominated by the drug trade. Together, these two activities help the GOP incentivize families and communities to transition permanently away from coca farming and into a more secure, licit economy.


  • Immediate post-eradication assistance to hundreds of families and communities so they receive timely and effective support needed to give up coca cultivation.

  • Support to improve DEVIDA’s administrative operations in planning and procurement, monitoring and evaluation, gender mainstreaming, communications, and coordination among other Government of Peru entities to improve the implementation of DEVIDA’s integrated development model.
  • Technical assistance to improve DEVIDA’s processes and the capacity of its human resources.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of DEVIDA’s institutional performance to guide decision making, administrative improvements, and operational improvements in community organizing, intergovernmental coordination, and assistance delivery.
  • Assistance to local governments to plan for and transparently manage public investment to improve basic health, education, and transportation services.
  • Coordination with DEVIDA and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to support financing for prioritized subnational governments to respond to citizen demands for state services in post-eradication areas.


Implementer: DEVIDA and Chemonics     
Duration: July 6, 2018 – June 30, 2024
Location: Huanuco, Junin, Pasco, San Martin, and Ucayali regions

