Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Policy

With full implementation of our new Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Policy, we expect to see greater democratic resilience in the countries where we work – which will ensure our development investments have greater and longer lasting impacts.” Shannon Green, Assistant to the Administrator of the Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance

Advancing democracy, human rights, and governance (DRG) globally is an expression of deeply held U.S. values founded on the belief that all people have an inherent right to be free from repression, tyranny, and the indignity of corruption and to shape their own destinies.

As USAID and its partners anticipate and face unprecedented threats to democracy, human rights, and accountable governance, the DRG Policy will provide essential guidance for forging new partnerships, refining our tools,
and modernizing our approaches.

The DRG Policy calls on all USAID operating units to make four strategic changes, or pivots, to accelerate democratic development, while embracing four important principles that underpin democracy assistance.

DRG Policy Pivots

 Graphic: Pivot 1: All agency approach to pursue demographic development, Pivot 2: Focus on norms and values that build social cohesion and democratic political culture, Pivot 3: Advance digital democracy, Pivot 4: Elevate anti-corruption

Pivot 1: Harness all of USAID’s influence and development programs to pursue democratic progress.

→ USAID will embrace a whole-of-Agency approach to democratic renewal, leveraging all of its resources, capabilities, and partnerships to drive meaningful change.

Pivot 2: Intensify the focus on norms and values that build social cohesion and cultivate democratic political culture and processes.

→ USAID will expand its efforts abroad to support democratic values, social capital, civil political discourse, information integrity, and norms that are the linchpin of a just, resilient, and inclusive society.

Pivot 3: Advance digital democracy by supporting rights-respecting approaches to data and technology.

→ USAID will promote inclusive, rights-respecting approaches to the development, deployment, use, and governance of digital technologies and data to foster vibrant democracies and counter the rise of “digital repression.”

Pivot 4: Elevate anti-corruption as critical to democracy and development, with a focus on transnational corruption, grand corruption, and kleptocracy.

→ USAID will confront the realities of contemporary corruption through new resources, approaches, and partnerships, and a renewed commitment to anti-corruption-informed programming and practice across all sectors.

DRG Policy Principles

 Graphic: Principle 1: Advance social inclusion and gender equality by seeking transformational change in systems and structures, Principle 2: Advance locally led development and adaptive approaches, Principle 3: Respond with agility and creativity to crises undermining democracy and opportunities to advance democracy, Principle 4: Mainstream prevention and protection for frontline democratic actors.
Primary Text

...Democracies have to respond with coordinated efforts of our own – partnerships built not on coercion, corruption, intimidation, and violence, but on peace, cooperation, and a mutual commitment to self-determination and to the core of all of this work, which is individual dignity.”

Secondary Text

— Samantha Power, Administrator, United States Agency for International Development

Additional Resources